Camping Guide For Successful Outdoor Adventures
Congratulations! You’re finally planning for your long-awaited camping trip. It is normal to have a few jitters as you get ready, especially since this is your first camping adventure. Many people worry they are going to forget something.
You can expect a lot of adventure and good memories while camping that will warm your heart and make you smile over the years if you plan things right. Having a good time sometimes depends on how well prepared you are. Making sure your RV is the right size for your campsite is a great start. Another thing high on my priority list while camping is having a coffee percolator to brew the perfect cup of coffee. I love waking up in the morning, warming myself with a nice steaming hot cup of coffee, and enjoying nature.
I also make sure to pack some personal comfort items. I am picky about my pillows when I sleep, so I make sure I bring along my favorites when I travel. I also have some back pain issues, so I have a special camping chair for bad backs that I always pack.
There is no need to get too worked up about what to bring if you are new to camping. This article provides a detailed guide and a few essential tips that first-time campers should keep in mind.
Find the Right Gear
Camping is not like any other outdoor adventure where you just grab your bag, and off you go. You need the right gear to make the whole experience comfortable and fun.
So, what is the right camping gear for beginners?
One thing to be sure of when choosing your camping gear is to avoid complicated equipment. You want to keep things simple. You should always stick to the basics.
One of the essential things you will need is a tent. There are a lot of different things to consider when it comes to choosing the right tent. If you are traveling solo, you are going to want a light and compact backpacking tent. If you are into minimalism and want to skip the tent, you can just set up a camping hammock.
Choose one that is easy and simple to set up. The size of the tent is going to matter. While a two-person tent seems large enough, understand that with all your gear, it may be a little tight for two people and your backpacks. Many people prefer to sleep on a camping cot, instead of directly on the ground for added comfort while camping. Another great option, especially with multiple people, is a camping mattress for couples, which will easily fit two people. Whether you use a camping cot or not, you should consider getting a good camping pillow to help you sleep like a baby. If you are going camping with the whole family, we suggest getting the best family tent to fit your needs. Keep in mind, your kids may want to bring friends along on the adventure, so you may want to go with something a little bigger than the minimum to fit your family in.
Another essential item is a camping chair. If you like having extra support for your back, we suggest taking a look at a camping chair for a bad back. They are designed for a little extra lumbar support and don’t sink in quite so much.
If you are camping in the woods it is always a good idea to bring bug spray to keep little critters like chiggers at bay.
Get Used to Your Gear at Home
Don’t make the mistake of going out in the wild before you try out your camping gear at home. You can find yourself surprised or disappointed at your site. What if the tent doesn’t work, or you don’t know how to set it up correctly? You do not want to find yourself sputtering in the dark trying to figure out how something is supposed to go together.
Practice putting up your tent a couple of times at home before leaving. Practice until you’re sure that you can do it correctly. This practice will help you to put up a tent quickly at your campsite without taking too much time. It will also minimize the hectic experience.
Don’t forget to check your sleeping bags and ensure they are comfortable enough to sleep outside. Know how cold the temperature is supposed to get overnight. Sleeping bags have a rating for specific temperatures. A pro tip is not to get too close to the low end of the temperature rating, or you may still find yourself chilly and shivering.
Check your lanterns as well to make sure you know how to work them properly. No one wants to be in the dark at the camp. At least not while you are trying to find something. Ensure the headlamps are in good condition and working correctly.
If you are using a stove, then test it at home before heading to the camp. Try to cook a meal at home to see if it’s working. You don’t want to experience the inconvenience of trying to cook a meal only to realize your stove isn’t working. While having a camping stove makes it easy to cook your meals, you can also take advantage of your campfire as well. We suggest bringing a folding saw and backpacking hatchet to get your campfire started quickly and easily.
Consider Your Clothes For The Trip
Before you leave your house to go camping, ensure to pack the right clothes to keep you comfortable. Don’t limit yourself too much on the clothes you bring. A single pair of shorts and a t-shirt will not suffice. You cannot always predict the weather out there. Carry as much as your backpack can hold if you have some extra room. If it is cold and rainy some evening, you’ll be glad you packed your rain jacket or rain poncho and a fleece pullover. When the temperatures drop significantly you may even want to consider a heated jacket to help keep you warm.
Camp Close to Home Your First Time Out
Camping in a faraway and remote place is more adventurous, but if you’re doing this for the first time, then the closer you’re to your home, the better.
A lot can happen while camping, especially if you bring your whole family. Being close to home on your first adventure makes everything a little more convenient and comfortable.
If you happen to fall sick, have an accident, or have any kind of emergency, you can go back home quickly.
Maybe you find out that camping is not your thing. Or at least not everyone in your family’s thing. If you run out of food or forgot something, it’s easier to go back home and grab.
If you’re camping for the first time, a trip close to home makes for a great test run.
Learn the Rules
The outdoor gives you unmeasured freedom, and you want to do everything to enjoy the experience.
However, you must keep in mind other people in the camp. Always be mindful of the presence of other people by playing by the rules.
In every camping site, there are rules you must follow. Make sure you know what they are and follow them. It is especially true if you are camping at a well-populated campground such as a KOA or other RV park. Always adhere to the rules to keep your camping experience fun and exciting for everyone around you.
Keep An Eye On The Time
Planning to arrive early will serve you well. It will give you enough time to explore the area and get familiar with everything, including your camping neighbors.
Getting to the campsite as early as possible will also help you set up your tent and tidy your space properly before darkness creeps in. Setting up your tent as the sun goes down is not always a lot of fun. Especially if you still have to cook dinner and unpack the rest of your gear.
Make a Checklist
It’s never a good experience to get to the camping site and realize that you have forgotten something essential. Following a camping checklist helps ensure you’ll have everything you need before leaving for your camping trip. How do you know? Simple! It was on your list, and when you packed it, you checked it off!
Start with checking off the essential things before you go to the luxury items. Learn to revise and update the checklist when the need arises. Packing for a two-day trip will look different than packing for a week-long trip.
While you want to make sure that you have everything you NEED, avoid carrying unnecessary items, especially if you have to hike or backpack to your campsite.
Plan Your Meals
Always plan what you are going to eat ahead of time. You can eat comfortably while outdoors. It’s amazing how good a can of baked beans can taste when cooked over a campfire.
Know and plan for how many people will be feeding.
Another factor is how much food you can bring with you. How much food you can carry with you depends on whether you are hiking to your campsite with backpacks, or if you are driving right up to where you will be camping.
You can select recipes that you can either make ahead of time or last without spoiling. Remember to go for healthy and hearty meals. The rule of thumb is to stick with the meals you usually have at home to avoid unpleasant experiences such as digestive issues.
Make sure your cooking utensils and other equipment needed for cooking are part of your checklist. There are many options for cooking while on your adventure.
Remember it’s an Adventure
Do not get stressed out. Remember, it’s an adventure and meant to be fun. Years from now, you can have many fond memories of time spend with your family in the wild. Those smiles and heartwarming memories are precious as you, and your kids get older. For tips on bringing your kids camping be sure to read our article on hacks for camping with kids.
Going camping is terrific for getting away from daily life stressors. Get out and experience the beautiful things our world has to offer. Prepare well, pack well, and enjoy your time.